Sunday, August 16, 2009

Teaching Men On How To Communicate With Women

Teaching Men On How To Communicate With Women

The most effective way a man can improve his communication skills with a woman is by listening to her feelings. This may not be easy since he is coming from a different perspective.

The first thing a man should do is to keep in mind how quickly unpleasant feelings can arise in a conversation that he feels is going well.

These feelings come from not listening with an understanding of the woman's point of view. In order to have a good gender communication take place, a man must start taking the responsibility for understanding the way women talk.

Don't blame her when you start to become upset. Her feelings are valid even if they don't make sense to you right away. Before coming to any conclusion, try to see the situation through her eyes.

Keep in mind a woman's primary communication needs and use your conversation to make her feel validated, respected and understood.

Take the time to reassure her and let her know that you care about what she is saying and feeling. Make her feel that you are listening to her and your communication will improve.

Sometimes males experience uncomfortable emotions because they do not know what to do to solve things. To improve on communication, men must learn to resist the urge to take the problem completely off a female counterpart's shoulders.

Don't offer more solutions. Because women talk about problems does not mean they don't know how to solve them. Women want men to listen to them.

To have good communication with women, you don't have to always agree with them. If you disagree, however, you'll be better able to get your point across if you wait until they are finished talking.

Men often try to talk over each other when they disagree. They raise their voices and interrupt each other. Women interpret these actions as power plays, and communication suffers.

In addition, do not pretend to understand when you don't, and do not automatically start defending yourself. You communicate better with women if you admit when you don't understand.

If you disagree and feel strongly about the issue, let her know that what she said is important to you. Then gently explain your point of view. If you make a mistake, especially when you have slighted her feelings, apologize.

If you listen and acknowledge her feelings, you'll close the gender gap and open the door to effective communications.

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