Saturday, August 1, 2009



Communication as Human Activity
INFORMAL : This is the type of communication usually used with family and friends, contains shortened version of words, contains slang
Training in informal communication need not take place in class, we learn from imitation, trial and error.

Informal communication would be like having an online chatting or just having a conversation with a friend.

FORMAL : This is the type of communication is used in professional setting with proper conversation, no slang, manners are often used
Training in Formal communication takes place in school or structured classes. Instead of learning through imitation, learning takes place through examination of the nature of communication, interpersonal, small groups, and public speaking.

Formal Communication would be writing a business or other letter within the guidelines of that genre. Such as a cover letter for a resume', or a thank you letter or note for a present received.

It depends on what you are talking about. Formal in English is like hello and informal is hey. You would say hello if you were meeting someone important and hey if you were meeting a friend or family. In different languages it is different. Another example, yes and yeah

Communication is an integral part of life.
Communication begets more communication. When we receive story, we respond to it and then recount the tale to someone else.
We may think about the story to decide its application to our situation.

Also when we hear one story, we may feel motivated to tell our own story.

The study of communication is an integral part of life because people are able to read, understand and comment an idea is an example of our ability to learn language, to identify symbols and to respond to others.

The Canterbury effect refers to the situation whereby when we hear one story, we may feel motivated to tell a story of our own.

Communication as Human Activity:

Two reasons which distinguish human communication from animal communication are

a. We possess not only the ability to send and receive messages

b. We possess the ability to create, analyze and change our own patterns of communication.

This is because Human beings can think and talk about the past, present and the future. We can think and talk about what we see and unseen and we can think and talk from our imagination.
Importance of Communication Study

1. To create and sustain all our endeavors e.g arts, play, aggressions, relationships
2. Communication demands our attention
3. It is the study of human activity
4. It provides us with insight and skills (ability to solve problems)
5. Communication helps us to develop transferable knowledge
6. Communication helps us to develop critical thinking skills, language skills and people skills

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