Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Summarizing Steve Jobs speech

Summarizing Steve Jobs speech


The true story of Steve Jobs, He never graduate from college, and this closing he never got the course graduate, and he want tell us about three story about his lift

I / Collecting the dogs, when he drop the first colleges off the first six months then stay drop in 18 months before he required . So that he drops out.

II / Talking about his love and lose

III/ what he wants to do today. (No one wants to die)

2/ Steve Jobs II

His first story is about debt when he was 17 years. he was looking to the news every morning and ask his self , it is the last day of his life, as he want to do today. he know any thing to change and remember any expectation the doctor tell him he has cancer may die in six months later. Then he keep looking don't settle. Because of no one want to die even people want to go heaven don't want to die late. Your time is limited so don't waste someone else life, don't e trap by dog. it is feeling loss of resulted of people thinking, don't let the noise people opinion rather your own in avoid .

Most important is what we want to become is everything else is safe. When I was you there was a publication that the whole earth catalog, which is bias of his generation. It was making by TIPO PIAMADO Stewart Brand Google Cantapas 35 years before Google Camilon. Then he say (stay hungry stay foolish).

_ End _

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